What’s next for Taleblazers?

Dear Taleblazers Families,

It’s been wonderful writing with your amazingly talented, open, and creative kids. What a joy to see them play on the Page, take artistic risks, and gain confidence and voice. I am awestruck at what they have been able to accomplish at so young an age. Novels, cursive, short stories, haiku, animal tales, girls’ empowerment, skits, manga, instant books, even inventing writing tools and their own font!

As with every program, a time comes when new horizons beckon, new ideas percolate, and other projects demand finishing. Now is such a time. My own characters are asking me to make space to finish their stories. Who am I to say no? We are all subject to that magical flow on the page. And programming changes are calling as well.

As of 2019, Taleblazers will be cocooning while I honor the characters who are sharing their stories with me—and while programming transforms into something new. (I’ll still be available for speaking engagements; they’re good ways for stories to make a difference in the world outside Calypso Moon Studio.)

Until we share stories together, again, remember to play, get messy, take risks, love Mother Earth, and be kind to yourself and all beings.

When Taleblazers emerges, again, you’ll hear a flutter of wings…and new stories calling.

With gratitude,
Ms. M.G.


Brushes, markers, and butterfly card